UT Online Programs Nationally Ranked - U.S. News and World Report
UT Online Programs Nationally Ranked U.S. News & World Report Rankings

Online Bachelor of Arts Degree in Religious Studies

Religious Studies (BA)

Arts and Sciences

Program Overview

Engage in the historical and critical academic study of religion as a crucial component of the study of world history, global cultures, and contemporary politics and earn your BA through the online degree program at the University of Tennessee, Knoxville. The Religious Studies undergraduate program equips students with the analytical tools to understand the complex relations among religion, culture, and society in past and present contexts.

Credit Hours


Cost Per Credit Hour*

In-State $490

Out-of-State $565



Admission Terms

Fall, Spring, Summer

*Cost per credit hour is an estimate based on maintenance and university fees. Some programs may have additional course fees. Please contact your department for additional information on any related fees, and visit Tuition and Fees in Detail at One Stop.

religious studies - Buddhism

The critical and comparative study of religion

Drawing upon a range of historical, anthropological, textual, and theoretical perspectives, the Department of Religion at UT highlights the variety and complexity of religious beliefs, practices, communities, and institutions. The faculty’s expertise is wide-ranging. Their research and teaching interests span religious traditions such as Judaism, Christianity, Islam, Buddhism, and indigenous traditions; geographic regions such as the Americas, Africa, the Ancient Mediterranean, and Asia; and thematic topics such as the relationship of religion to politics, gender, violence, sports, media, and the arts.

Program Concentrations

BA in Religious Studies: The major in Religious Studies is designed to engage students with the historical and critical academic study of religion as a crucial component of the study of world history, global cultures, and contemporary politics. Our undergraduate program equips students with the analytical tools to understand the complex relations among religion, culture, and society in past and present contexts.

BA in Religious Studies, Religion and Non-Profit Leadership Concentration: Religion is an important part of the nonprofit world; in addition to nonprofits with religious missions, many other nonprofit organizations work with religiously diverse groups of people or other forms of religious diversity.

Featured Courses

Here are a few examples of the courses you can take as a religious studies student:

REST 202: Religion and Film

Introduction to the study of religion and “world religions” with a focus on religion and film. Explores how religious traditions have been represented in selected films and how to study religion through film as a medium.

REST 225: Judaism, Christianity, Islam

Introduces some of the historical relations of Judaism, Christianity, and Islam, with emphasis on the tradition that is the instructor’s research focus.

REST 280: Religions of Asia

An introduction to the religious traditions that have emerged from within the diverse cultural contexts of South, Southeast, and East Asia, and examines their global impact today.

REST 309: Religion in the Workplace

Within the framework of the academic study of religion, students will engage legal and organizational issues with religion in the workplace, focusing on understanding the complex dynamics that characterize workplace interactions.

REST 320: Gender, Sexuality, and Religion

This course explores how gender and sexuality are constructed, expressed, and addressed in religious history, literature and the arts, and social and political movements.

What can I do with a BA in Religious Studies?

A degree in Religious Studies opens up a diverse array of career opportunities that extend far beyond traditional religious roles.

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Case managers

Multicultural programmers

Religious life programmers

Human resources

Humanitarian services

Policy development

Ready to Lead the Way in Religious Studies?
