UT Online Programs Nationally Ranked - U.S. News and World Report
UT Online Programs Nationally Ranked U.S. News & World Report Rankings

University of Tennessee Academic Policies

UT’s Academic Policies and Procedures apply to any and all enrolled students, including Vols Online students. Included are policies course adds, drops, and withdrawals.

UT Student Handbook

The student handbook, Hilltopics, is published and distributed annually. It applies to online students and is also available online as part of the Dean of Students’ website.

It is each UT student’s responsibility to become familiar with this information and to comply with all university rules and policies, the university Standards of Conduct, and all disciplinary regulations and procedures.

Student Code of Conduct

Hilltopics contains the Student Code of Conduct, which outlines student rights and responsibilities at UT.

Academic Life at UT

This section in Hilltopics provides information about academic life at UT. It covers issues related to enrollment and withdrawal, attendance, advising, academic policies, preparation, grade appeal, and uTrack. It is not a comprehensive resource, but a collection of basic information.

Title IX

UT is committed to creating and maintaining a safe and non-discriminatory learning, living, and working environment free from Sexual Harassment (including Sexual Assault, Dating Violence, Domestic Violence, and Stalking), Sexual Exploitation, and Retaliation.

Career & Personal Support

Access information and resources for academic, career and personal support.

Academic Integrity at UT

UT is committed to maintaining an atmosphere of intellectual integrity and academic honesty. Academic integrity is an important component of every course at UT, regardless of the delivery method.

Cheating, plagiarism, or any other act of academic dishonesty, including, without limitation, an act in violation of the Honor Statement.

All students are expected to adhere to the following honor statement:

“As a student of the university, I pledge that I will neither knowingly give nor receive any inappropriate assistance in academic work, thus affirming my own personal commitment to honor and integrity.”

Attendance & Participation

Thanks to LIVEONLINE @UT (Zoom), the software that facilitates live and interactive online courses, you can “attend” classes as an online student. Class attendance and eligibility policies apply to students enrolled in online and hybrid courses.
Whether you’re taking a graduate or an undergraduate course, your instructor will provide details about attendance and participation requirements, including, but not limited to, the first class meeting.

For courses that meet asynchronously, this may involve submitting an assignment, participating in an online discussion, or completing a quiz or some other type of assessment.

Be sure to review the course syllabus, class schedule and your online course site for specific details and deadlines.

Student Privacy

All enrolled UT students, including online students, are protected by the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA). FERPA training is required for all UT faculty and administrators.

Online@UT (Canvas) is the learning platform for UT students and Vols Online students. The administrators of Online@UT (Canvas) make every effort to minimize the amount of personal information that resides on the system. Those efforts include minimizing personal information about students, faculty, and staff. Only the user’s name, NetID, and UT e-mail address are displayed. Online@UT runs under SSL encryption to protect all user information passing to and from the system.

For additional information about privacy, please visit Website Privacy.

(If you are a current UT student seeking information about privacy as it relates to Proctorio, UT’s remote proctoring service, please self-enroll in the Canvas site.)

Office of Innovative Technologies (OIT) Policies

The Office of Innovative Technologies (OIT) provides information about important policies, including the Acceptable Use of Information Technologies and Copyright Infringement, Peer-to-Peer and File Sharing, which apply to all students enrolled at UT, whether on-campus or online.